Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Collective Nouns

by http://jauhari-englishhomework.blogspot.com/ 
- are nouns that refer to a group of people, animals or things.

A. Collective Nouns for People.
an army of soldiers/ a batch of students/ a crowd of people/ a gang of thieves/ a team of players/ a board of directors/ a band of musicians/ a staff of teachers/...etc.

B. Collective Nouns for Animals.
a brood of chickens/a pack of wolves/ a school of fish/ a swarm of bees/ a team of horses/ a flock of birds/ a nest of rabbits/ a herd of cattle/ ...etc.

C. Collective Nouns for Things
a bunch of bananas/ a chest of drawers/ a flight of stairs/ a clutch of eggs/ a library of books/ a pack of cards/ a heap of rubbish/ a string of pearls/ ..etc.

notes of http://jms-englishonline.blogspot.com/

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